
Benjamin Moore Case

On July 26, 2023, the Federal Court of Appeal decided the Benjamin Moore decision relating to computer implemented inventions. Please...

Fordham 2023

At the 30th Annual Intellectual Property Law Conference at Fordham I participated in a panel on “Plausibility, Enablement & Written...

Business Method Patents- Court of Appeal

I intervened in the Federal Court of Appeal in the case of Benjamin Morre v. The Attorney General of Canada....

Arbitrating IP Disputes in Times of Crisis

I participated as a panelist with Judge Faith Hochberg (ret) , Judge Barry Leon (ret) and Justine Ferland from the...

Rights in Raw Data

I participated in a panel session on the Law of Raw Data, as part of the launch of a Wolters...

Fordham Law School Fair Use Panel

On April 22, 2022, I participated as a panelist at the Fordham Law School’s Hansen annual intellectual property conference. The...

AIPPI Annual Meeting

At the AIPPI annual meeting I participated as chairman of the international leadership team for Study Question 278 “Industrial designs...

Rights in Data

I am pleased to report that I have authored the Canadian chapter of a new book entitled “Law of Raw...

Non-Fungible Tokens

At the AIPPI annual meeting I chaired a panel on Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs). This panel consisted of a crypto artist...

Negotiation Training

I co-coordinated a 4.5 hour session on negotiation training at the American Intellectual Property lawyers Association Mid-Winter Institute.

Industrial Design Rights book published

I am happy to report that the 3rd edition of Industrial Design Rights: An International Perspective, edited by me, has...

AIPLA trademark panel

On October 22, 2020, I coordinated a panel at the American Intellectual Property Law Association (AIPLA) on “The collision between...

Copyright panel AIPPI and Data Rights.

On October 7, I spoke on a panel at the AIPPI annual virtual meeting on Copyright and Covid 19. Topics...

Patenting computer implemented inventions

On October 2, 2020, I moderated a panel at the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) on Patenting Computer Related...

Fox Moot 2020

Again I served as a judge at the annual Fox Intellectual Property Moot. This time at the appeal round.

Osgoode Cetificate in Intellectual Property Licensing

On November 28, 2019, I was an instructor in the Interactive Drafting and Negotiation Workshop as part of the Osgoode...

AIPLA Annual Meeting 2019

I co-cordinated the Year in Review session on Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Industrial Designs and Trade the annual meeting of...

On-LIne Tension between Owners Rights and User Rights

In September 2019 , at the annual meeting of the Intellectual Property Institute of Canada, I organized and chaired a...

Copyright in Works Created by Artificial Intelligence

As Chairman of the AIPPI Canadian Group Copyright Committee I led our group’s report on copyright in works created by...

AIPLA Spring Meeting Design Patent Damages

In May 2019 I co-coordinated a session entitled “Apple v. Samsung: Design Patent Damages After the War” at the American...

Patent Term Extension

On April 24, 2019 I spoke at Fordham Law School’s Hansen Intellectual Property Institute on the topic of Canada’s New...

Fox Intellectual Property Moot

For at least the tenth time I was a judge at the Fox Moot on Intellectual Property held at the...

AIPLA midwinter meeting

On February 1, 2019, I co-ordinated a session entitled “The Art of Persuasion and Effective Negotiation for Tomorrow’s Leaders” at...

US -Mexico-Canada Free Trade Agreement

The Intellectual Property Institute of Canada (IPIC) is reporting today (October 1, 2018) on the terms of the new US-Mexico-Canada...

AIPPI Report on Partial Designs

I chaired the AIPPI Canada report on partial designs debated at the annual conference on September 23-26, 2018

Can-Tech Conference

On May 28, 2018, I spoke about Designs and Trade Secrets at the 2018 Technology Law Spring Forum of the...

AIPLA Spring Meeting

On May 17, 2018, I co-ordinated a session on IoT (the Internet of Things) and on Block Chain Technologies at...

AIPPI Report on Partial Designs

I have just finished chairing and co-authoring the AIPPI Canada Group report on Partial Designs. A copy of this report...

Fordham Intellectual Property Law Institute

On April 6, 2018 I spoke at Fordham Law School on the topic of “Rights Acquired by a Restrictied License”...